About Me

My photo
Okanagan, BC, Canada
Welcome to my crafting blog. After retirement, my husband and I moved to a beautiful location in the Okanagan area of British Columbia. I love all paper crafts including mixed media, journaling and cards. I also dabble in papermaking, photography, fibre art, and altered books. I am an active member of several card and mixed media groups and on the design team of several challenge blog. I love the world of blogging, it has opened many doors for me. My favourite quote is by Maya Angelou. “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” I hope you join me in my search for my creative side. Thanks for stopping by!


Friday, May 3, 2024

Creative Artiste Challenge - May 2024 - Theme - Anything Mixed Media Goes

 Time for another great challenge over at Creative ArtisteOur theme is always is

"Anything Mixed Media Goes"

Please make sure you use multiple mediums on your projects. Please respect that we do not currently accept Instagram or Facebook entries. Only correctly linked blog entries please. 

The term “mixed media art” is a broad definition that covers many forms of arts and crafts, including collage, assemblage, altered objects, handmade greeting cards, artist trading cards (ATCs) tags and art journaling  as long as you use different mediums.

The “mixed media” used includes paint, paper, pastes, sprays, powders, textural elements, clay, resins, fabrics, found objects, photos, metal, inks, pencils, markers and pastels to name just a few.

This is my project for this month, I created an altered note book for my hubby to use on holidays this summer. We are taking our RV north for an exploratory adventure of northern Canada (The Yukon and the North West Territories)  for 6 weeks.

More  views

The gentlemen and the trains pictures were taken out of a Canadian history magazine. I added metal gears and collaged the names were the areas that we are planning on visiting. 

The texture cover of the book was created using a crackle paint called  Kroma Crackle and distressed spray inks.

Thank you for stopping by and have a creative week. Remember to pop over to our challenge blog to be inspired aby our talented design team.  Hope you will join us this month, just create your mixed media project and enter it here


  1. Amazing!! What an incredible adventure you have ahead of you both, so creative to design and alter a notebook to take on your travels. I hope you both find and take note of everything inspirational you discover along the way.. Happy travels.
    Stay safe Tracey x

  2. That's such a beautiful altered book, Judy! It'd be wonderful when you'll get to fill it up with various mementos of your adventure. I'm so excited for you. :-)

  3. What a fabulous idea to create a book to record your travels. That sounds a wonderful journey. I love that purple background you created and all the additional elements make it very special.

  4. Your altered notebook for your husband looks amazing Judy. It has a wonderful Victorian vibe with the crackled background, images and gears xx

  5. Such an amazing cover! I love the purple landed background that you created to showcase the steampunk ephemera - perfect 😊. Apologies for my lateness, we only returned from our travels over the weekend. Happy wishes and have a wonderful May! Hugs, Jo x
